
Ministries by Common Group

Worship Ministries
Supporting our Praise and Celebration

for more information contact Rev. Alfonza Jones, Director of Ministries at


A Worship ministry doing mime and artistic interpretations expressing the Biblical story in a great way to get children, youth and our adults involved in worship through praise dance and arts (plays). Contact Rev. David Minor at


This is a worship ministry that meets the people when they first enter the outer area of the church. The goal is to make the people glad they are coming to worship with us and to enjoy the spiritual moment with our church family.


A worship ministry for the purpose of outreach and evangelism by providing services related to the audio, visual, print, photography, radio and telecommunications (Streaming and Web) of the service. Contact Rev. David Minor at


Contact Rev. Alfonza Jones at 


This is a worship ministry that God has richly blessed to lead our music and praise worship at LHMBC. Included are singers and musicians who devotedly make an offering of their talents to the best of their ability on every occasion they are called to present God's message through song and praise. Singing aggregations consist of children, youth and adults. Contact Rev. David Minor at


This worship ministry serves the parents of our congregation with children ages 3 months to 4 years.  The children are carefully cared for and entertained with Bible stories, songs, crafts, and educational toys while their parents’ worship. 


A worship ministry to serve as humanitarians in the church, to give urgent First Aid, basic nursing care, and family health. To monitor the health of the worship experience and provide medical attention during the worship service or during any other church function (as requested), in response to medical emergencies.


This Worship ministry's mission is to provide shuttle and van transportation to and from the church worship experience. Our transportation services are handicap accessible.


A worship ministry whose primary purpose is to direct the flow of worshippers into and out of the sanctuary with order and grace, always mindful of being servants of the Lord. To make our new guest and visitors feel welcome who want to be fed the Word of God without interruption or confusion. The Usher ministry consists of the senior adults and youth in the church.  


This is a worship ministry that serves as a great foundation for the future of the church because what is integral to youth ministry is integral to the Church's future. Our student ministry exists both to draw in non-believing students (witness) and send them out to do God's work (missional). In between we want them to get connected to each other and attached to the vine in discipleship to Christ (holistic). Contact Rev. DeHeaven Simpkins at

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In House Ministries

Nurturing and Serving the Congregation